Friday, December 13, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 13: Music Video inspired Comic- rough roughs

So today I did a couple of thumbnails for the story. With this process the layout and shot calls tend to be different in the final pages, but as rough as it is it helps me to set a pace.

Usually when I'm given a prompt and a set number of pages I tend to cram panels, but this story is very slow and uses the eastern storytelling approach where it shows, moments and parts of the surrounding. For instance a close up of dew on blades of grass is just as important of a story telling element as the characters that will run past it. While the latter is the obvious indicator of the action and progression of the story, stopping to show the moment before they past, slows down time and also can inform the reader  of the temperature  and time of day.

At the very beginning my roughs look like this and tomorrow they will tighten up, before I drop them into manga studio to work out perspective.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge- Day 12: Music Video Inspired Comic

So Looking st my portfolio I want to incorporate more short stories (No more than 10 comic pages each) and storyboards since most jobs I'm applying for require storyboarding skills.

This was a concept I had some time ago but never got around to, but essentiallyI would take one of my favorite videos and narrate a comic that fits the mood of the video and music.

My song of choice is Spice by Perfume.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 11- Behance Update Part 3

Yesterday I posted the John Deere Project's Title and Research Page. Today I finished the layout for the Ideation and Final Product Page.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 10- Behance Update Part 2

So I'm really in that, self-promoting mood, which means updating my online portfolio this week. Redoing my resume, CV, and business card as well.  Today I'm updating another project from my studio class in spring.  For this we had to research a Fortune 500 / luxury brand company and design a barbecue grill and tool set for their user, while incorporating the brand language.

Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 9- Behance Update

So today I updated a project on my Behance profile. I has a request last spring to post some of my Industrial Design work. This project was a pair of salt and pepper grinders I designed last spring, using inspiration from designer Naoto Fukasawa.

BEFORE:  Just very sad photographs of the product. Nothing indicating the design process. Ending with a collage of sketches.

NOW: Presentation is everything. Industrial Design requires Graphic Design.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 8- COCOBO Pages

Hello. So today I've decided to post 8 pages from a new series I'm starting called CocoBo. This was a part of my senior project at SCAD, so todays challenge was to go an make corrections to the 8th page based off my last critique.






COCBO Page 7


Saturday, December 7, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 7: ......

Sooooo I've come to the realization that this challenge is overwhelming, especially with the part of increasing the workload with each passing day.  

Wondering if I should keep everything as sketches or allow things to develop in stages.

Today I pulled fan-art, then try-a-style (which is too soon to repeat) and then "music video inspired animatic". Already behind with some challenges I decided to concentrate catching up, taking product shots of a salt and pepper grinder I made some time ago, and figuring out something quick to do for day  7. I thought "Hey! Seven Deadly Sins character design".  This is coming from someone who enjoys just spending a day on silhouettes.  By the time 10:30 rolls I'm hating the designs especially since I forgoed prelim sketching.

To be honest I'm not sure how fast I should be as an artist. Am I really slow? How long should it really be taking me to do these things?

Friday, December 6, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 6: Try a Style.

So today's challenge was to try 6 different art styles. Digitally I have been working on stylistic approaches of Adventures, artist Dawud Anyabwile, and the anime RedLine. Traditional sketches of Disney, Superhero comics, Black Sad artist Juanjo Guarindo.

Adventure Time


I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Anyabwile at Comics Art Forum, an annual event at the Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah Campus) where several artist in the industry visit and do portfolio reviews and workshops. I attended one of his workshop/ lectures, and it was amazing. Although I would say many people know him for his comic and character Brotherman, Mr. Anyabwile has done storyboarding for several Cartoon Network shows. While he has his own unique style he also can utilize other styles , so he is a big influence for me, as I continue to work on developing a style of my own, but also being able to mimic other styles.

I did a portrait of Nelson Mandela, but my process was based on one of Mr. Anyabwile's speed portrait videos.


At the layer of color I set to color mood instead of multiply. Thought the look was interesting.
Finished sketch.

REDLINE (AKA. One of the best hand-drawn anime movies on earth)

Aliens, Racecars, Extreme speed and Black Placement what more could I ask for?
Racer and robo-alien companion

Thursday, December 5, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 5 - Collaborative Pitch

Guess who has their scanner fixed!!!!

Previous post of traditional imagery will now be updated, so if you missed those you can go back.

Today was day five. So I spent 5 hours working on a collaboration project with a one of my peers. Essentially its his concept, writing, and ideas, and I am basically the one who visualizes it all.

At the moment I won't reveal current artwork until we have the pitch packet ready. I guess this is more of a regular me day. I'm actually working on this at some point everyday in addition to the challenges.

I feel that I am cheating you all at the moment, but I would like to take some time to talk about how these challenges have been....

Essentially they are challenging. Things that I would normally take more than I day to work, I am trying to complete in under a day. In my head I tell myself, "Oh this should only take 8 hours!!," which is a typical work day, but I probably spend a good 4 mapping things out, prelim sketching, trying to get the ideal idea, before starting the final piece. Then there's life I must address outside of my room. I'd probably equate each person I interact with as a hour I'm not working on a challenge.

Not trying to sound like a recluse, but I kind of understand why some of my other art peers literally make Facebook announcements to tell the world they are leaving society for the moment to draw and cannot hangout, eat or talk to you. Not via Facebook apparently, but in real life.

The pros and cons with this I suppose be as follows:

You have a good plan of execution.
You take the time to make sure you're happy with the idea, before wasting time and hating it.
No need to back track halfway through the project

Despite long planning, in the end you still may not be satisfied. (Everything has room for improvement after all)
Deadline were never really your friend, but now they are your enemy.
Lose overall sight or generating as much as possible.
Too much nitpicking over things that will figure themselves out.

However at the end of the day the more time I spend doing prelim work the better I feel when attacking the task at hand. This is only the first week so I'm spreading out things and playing catch up with other... But in the end it's about not giving up or skipping a day and creating cool things along the way.

This is possibly the most bloggyish blog post I've done. The words just keep flowing, when I'm usually at a lost.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: Day 4- Fashion

So today I pulled:
When I was younger, contemplating my future career, fashion designer came up. If it were still a deep passion I would most likely go into fashion illustration. I used to hate the idea of actually making the clothes. I'm more open to it now and plan on having my mom teach me how to make clothing this winter. (We'll see how that goes.)
Anyways, today I did a collection of four pieces. 
Choose color scheme and light roughs.

Line work

Flat color for skin and hair

Flat color, (highlight, shadow, erase lines) Skin and clothing done in separate layers.

Final Concept

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: DAY 3- Storyboards.

So I'm going to go ahead and call it and probably push through these challenges digitally until this the scanner parts are replaced.

Today was storyboarding. Since its day three that means a minimum of 30 panels. Posting is tentative.

Monday, December 2, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge: DAY 2- FAN ART

So 25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge hasn't started out with a bang as I expected. Scanner is still kuputz and I'll be without Internet for the better half of day three. Hopefully what I pull isn't dependent of me using any of my programs (my tablet requires wifi).

The pieces for today are still underway, but I am doing fan-art of a main character of one of my favorite animated shows.

I hope this sneak-peek satisfies you all for now.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Drawing Challenge. DAY 1 Intro and Figure Drawings.


So a quick update. I've just graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design. B.F.A in Sequential Art. YAY~

My sister is not impressed.

Super Cool Light Up Glasses. I'm the super short one.

I'll be updating more often as projects come along, but this last quarter was fun. I did a sponsor class with GE and my Senior Project, beginning stages for my first attempt at a web comic. (Updates will also be made periodically.)

Somewhat taking December wrap up things back home while working on various commissions, and projects, which bring me to the 25 days of Christmas Drawing Challenge.

How It Works:

During the first 25 days of December I will draw a topic from a hat, and draw what it is. The catch is that the day I select the category determines the number of or time I spend drawing. For example, if I choose futuristic vehicles on day 14, I would sketch 14 different vehicle concepts (Which means more than 14 total drawings.) If I draw 'animatic' on day 25, it could mean a 25 minute animatic (of course this is near impossible in just one day) or it means a animatic with 25 as the theme.

So for today I drew....

*** If you are viewing this message now, the figure drawings have not been uploaded yet. My scanner apparently needs to be reinstalled. Should be fixed by tomorrow***

Friday, May 24, 2013

Over the Rainbow: Concept Environments

Environments for my concept "ARC: Over the Rainbow", where two major socities are at odds in a world 90%covered in water with few resources.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


So I'm approaching the end on my fourth year at SCAD (but I won't be graduating until November) and I must say I am very happy with my classes and the work I've produced.

I took Advanced Conceptual Illustration. The prompt was "Over the Rainboom" which we could interpret anyway we wanted. I went with a fighting, role play game called Arc:Over the Rainbow, geared to be played   like Final Fantasy. The following are Character Designs. Next Post I'll discuss Environments.